Author Gyeong Won Lee, Jung Hun Kang, Seok Hyun Kim, Hea Yong Lee, Ho Cheol Kim, Won Sup Lee, Jong Duk Lee, Young Sil Hwang, Joung Soon Jang, Jong Seok Lee
Place of duty 1Division of Hematology-Oncology, Departments of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Gyeong-Sang National University, Jinju, 2Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea.
Title A Phase II Trial of Docetaxel and Ifosfamide for Patients with Platinum-Resistant or Refractory Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in a Salvage Setting
Publicationinfo Cancer Research and Treatment 2004 Oct; 036(05): 287-292.
Key_word Non-small cell lung cancer,Chemotherapy,Docetaxel,Ifosfamide,Salvage therapy
Abstract Purpose: We conducted a phase II study of docetaxel and ifosfamide chemotherapy for patients with platinum- resistant or refractory non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to evaluate the response and toxicity profiles as a salvage treatment. Materials and Methods: Between July 2000 and July 2004, 40 patients who had previously received platinum- based regimen as the first-line or second-line therapy were enrolled in this study. The treatment consisted of a docetaxel 75 mg/m2 intravenous infusion on day 1 and intravenous ifosfamide 3 g/m2 with Mesna uroprotectione on day 1 through 3. This regimen was repeated every 3 weeks. Results: One hundred thirty cycles of treatment were given, with a median of 3 cycles (range: 2~6 cycles). All the patients were evaluable for the response rate and toxicity profile. The major toxicity was myelosuppression. Grade 3~4 neutropenia occurred in 30 patients (75%) during treatment. Febrile neutropenia occurred in 16 patients (40%). Five of 40 patients (12.5%) had a partial response (95% confidence interval, 3.3~21.7%). The median time to disease progression was 2.65 months (range: 2.02~3.20 months), and the median survival was 5.24 months (range: 2.99~7.49 months). Conclusion: Salvage chemotherapy with docetaxel and ifosfamide showed a low efficacy and a high proportion of severe neutropenia in patients with platinum-resistant or refractory advanced NSCLC. (Cancer Research and Treatment 2004;36:287-292)